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赴日留学申请书 篇1































赴日留学申请书 篇2

Dear _,

My interest in economics, business, finance and banking has been long standing as I am interested in how important decisions within these fields have everyday affects. I feel I have a sound and enthusiastic response to this aspect. I am currently studying Economics at 'A' level, in which I have learnt in theory and through demand and supply analysis, how the economy works. This has encouraged me to use these theories in practical application. Sociology has sharpened my ability to analyse information in depth, as well as my interpersonal skills, both of which are vital for management. Sociology has also helped me appreciate people's differing needs, which I see as an important feature of business. The content of the courses I have studied at 'A' level such as Mathematics, I feel, complement my choice of degree

As part of a Work Experience programme, I have been fortunate to have the opportunity of shadowing the Finance Director of a growing fashion company and was given a virtual tour on the financial aspects of the company. I attended seminars and Board meetings and gained insight into decision making. I also helped to organise an exhibition at Earl's Court. I also attended a placement at the Head Office of Norwood Ravenswood, a large Charitable Trust. My time had been divided between various departments from Fund Raising to Finance

Active participation in extra-curricular activities has taken up further time. I helped to organise and promote various events at some of London's most regarded venues, which involved raising capital through investment and planning advertisement strategies. Through this I was able to acquaint with a range of different people. I find great satisfaction in helping others that has led me to contribute to many charity events, as well as working at The Cancer Research Campaign charity shop on a voluntary basis

I have also travelled to many countries, including America, India and Kenya, which has broadened my knowledge and awareness of other cultures. I have a strong passion for music. Furthermore, the presentation of a radio show gave me a chance to interact with the whole of London, which enhanced my communication skills. In my spare time I enjoy keeping fit and much of my spare time is spent at the gym. I also enjoy playing football and play on a regular basis for a 5-a-side team.

Yours sincerely,







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学生主要是在学校里面的食堂餐厅吃饭,如果你吃不习惯日本的料理,在日本也有很多的中国美食,但是在日本吃中国的饭菜要比在国内吃贵。在日本打折的食材很多,尤其是在晚上可以买到半价的食物,很多的学生都会选在晚上的八 九点来超市购买,并不是说这个食物快过期了,而是快过了食物的食用期,所以才会卖出半价,买了食材你就可以自己去做饭了,这还是一种比较实惠的饮食。



赴日留学申请书 篇3

Dear _,

I have always had an interest in language and the arts. This has led to a fascination with literature and fundamentally, the poignancy and exuberance one can convey through the written word. For me, English Literature feels more uninhibited and complete, mainly because a text is something very personal to its creator, giving it a more individual dimension than other subjects, feeding the imagination as well as the intellect. However, I can't truly be immersed in something without finding it challenging. I find the task of searching for a message in a book a demanding affair, forcing myself to focus every inch of my emotional and rational faculties to extract the author's possible meanings and present an original, credible interpretation. My favourite writers include Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and others from the Beat Generation. In addition, I enjoy Victorian authors including Dickens and Joseph Conrad. This wide scope of British and American literature houses a myriad of genres, topics and plots which directly or indirectly apply to the way we live in present day Western society. For example, I've found On the Road by Kerouac to be a poignant expression of a man's journey outside the perimeters of the average American life which Kerouac paints as banal. His only motivation to travel is to experience, 'the ragged and ecstatic joy of pure being'.

I am enthusiastic about all the subjects I've taken at A Level, consequently my college experience has been rewarding both personally and academically. Through Modern History and Philosophy I've developed the skill of formulating cogent arguments and articulating them succinctly, either orally or in writing. Furthermore, all my subjects have taught me to confidently express my opinions while maintaining open-mindedness in evaluating opposing ones. The content of my subjects and the concepts and knowledge assessed in them has led me to transfer skills I've learnt from one subject to another. For example, I assessed the play, The Birthday Party in relation to existential ontology, illustrating the extent to which my subjects complement each other.

My cultural interests reflect my academic pursuits and the way I express myself in said academic domain. Attending the Politics Society of my college has expanded my understanding of differing opinions on current affairs as well as learning the information which substantiates those claims. This has been accomplished through attending lectures by academics and politicians such as Tony Benn.

I am also a huge fan of cinema and my favourite directors. His idiosyncratic fusion of Surrealism and Expressionism make his works aesthetically original as well as thought provoking. More recently I've been nurturing my creative side by writing a sitcom and recently completed the pilot episode. Being a keen photographer I enjoy taking photographs whenever the opportunity arises and am currently taking an evening course on 35mm film photography. This allows me to channel a vague image in my head to something rewardingly tangible.

More recently, I travelled Western Europe. I found it culturally fruitful and instrumental to my personal growth. I visited many historical landmarks and most notably the Louvre in Paris, a Monastic hospice in the Swiss Alps and the Royal Palace in Madrid. I also climbed two mountains, forcing me to give total focus to the task at hand and synchronise my body and mind as one. I find it essential to my well-being to express myself through whichever medium I'm interested in at the time. Fortunately, the printed page remains a constant source of inspiration and interest for me, resulting in me being a committed and fervent person. I am confident that I have the qualities and drive to succeed at university and look forward to making a significant contribution to university life.

Yours sincerely,



























赴日留学申请书 篇4

Dear _,

I have been fascinated by the human mind and how it works since my early teenage years. My interest in understanding the mind and behaviour has been enhanced through studying psychology at A level. Although I have only studied this subject for a relatively short period of time, I have enjoyed the subject thoroughly and have been engaged in intriguing topics such as memory and infant attachment. I was pleased to receive the AS subject prize for psychology this year and in carrying on psychology at degree level, I will endeavour to grasp further the theories and schools of thought introduced by psychologists over the past few centuries, advancing my current knowledge and interest in such a profound field. I am enthusiast for research, finding the various concepts fascinating and have taken great satisfaction in planning and applying similar psychological research as part of my A2 coursework on factors affecting memory.

I have found many parallels between psychology and my other A level subjects, particularly Philosophy. I was principally interested in Freud's philosophical theory that God is a concept created by the superego to make sense of its experiences, and that religion in a neurotic illness stemming from sexual trauma.

I enjoy various novels and works by psychologists to expand my knowledge of the subject such as 'The Interpretation of Dreams,' which was an excellent extension to my previous knowledge of Freud. 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest' was particularly inspiring as it gave me a fictional insight into the lives of people in an asylum, principally concerned with the ways in which society applies pressure on an individual to conform to what is considered as the 'norm' in terms of attitude and behaviour.

I find psychological case studies and accounts absorbing such as 'Malignant sadness' by Lewis Wolpert and television documentaries including Channel 4's 'Mindshock' and ' Robert Winston's 'Child of our time.' Additionally, the entertainment programme 'Big Brother,' hosted on Channel 4, which the British Psychological Society labelled a “public concern,” regarding its “deliberate creation of tension and conflict,” gave me an insight into psychological disorders such as Tourettes Syndrome, anorexia and Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and increased my awareness of the ethical guidelines concerned with research.

On the British Psychological Society's website research had shown that people who have been identified as bullies believe that their bullying behaviour causes them to be perceived as admirable. Being a member of our Anti-Bullying and senior prefect team, I have to take into consideration the social and emotional factors that explain why bullies, victims, and bystanders act the way they do.

I play an active role in school life. The Community Sports Leadership Award was a valuable experience in which I attended various primary schools, created and hosted sports lessons and principally progressed my skills in confidence, team building and leadership. I have taken part in work experience in France this year working as a primary school assistant, which was truly worthwhile as I was presented with the challenging pursuit of presenting my social skills in a foreign language.

In other areas outside of school I have taken on voluntary work with primary schools and the Elderly, which has been a personal benefit, gaining confidence in communication and an overall great satisfaction from my work. I have also taken part in fund raising for charities such as Marie Curie Cancer care. I am a keen artist and additionally have an enjoyment in singing, often taking part in school music competitions and choral singing.

Along with my conscientious attitude to work and my approachable character, I would be an ideal addition to a psychology degree.

Yours sincerely,



















赴日留学申请书 篇5

Dear _,

I believe Literature educates on a personal level, humanising historical, political and psychological issues. I read constantly and widely, I enjoy experimenting with language and I believe I have an aptitude for the subject which drives me to achieve. Therefore, I am completely dedicated to furthering my abilities in thinking critically and deconstructing texts through independent research.

To complement English Literature, I chose to study Philosophy and Ethics and I feel this decision has given me strong skills in delivering a structured, coherent argument using reasoning and abstract thought. Teachers have historically said that I needed to contribute more in class and the A level course has given me the confidence to do this.

Literature brings historical facts to life: Dostoevsky's 'Crime and Punishment' painted a grim picture of 19th Century Russian society and the effect of desperation on the human condition. During my Psychology course, we studied Freud which planted an avid enthusiasm for the Psychoanalytical approach to Literature. I explored this further through reading 'Hamlet' and Angela Carter's 'The Bloody Chamber' which sparked my interest in symbolic coming of age tales that relate to Freud's theories of unconscious motives.

Recently, I have become particularly drawn to unconventional narrative styles such as stream of consciousness through reading Woolf's 'Mrs Dalloway.' Encouraged by this excitement for experimental prose, I began to read 'Ulysses' which, whilst being a challenge, was also incredibly rewarding. I found Joyce's depiction of thought patterns hypnotic and the mergence of the formal epic with earthy realism an exciting layering of classical and modern literature. Around this time I read Hermione Lee's biography of 'Virginia Woolf', finding her research so captivating that it confirmed my ambition of one day carrying out my own research.

I am passionate about the writings of Sylvia Plath. 'The Bell Jar' forced me to readdress my preconceived opinions of what mental illness is through its subtle unfurling of Esther's descent. After learning that it was essentially autobiographical I read her unabridged journals which I found to be the most achingly astute observations on life- so ambitiously driven that it is difficult to imagine that she was a young woman maturing in the repressive 1950's. This interest in feminism was increased through studying 'Washington Square' where we focussed on the treatment of women. An inspiring teacher recommended Naomi Wolf's feminist text 'The Beauty Myth' which shocked me into viewing the media in a new light. I was amazed at how differently cosmetic adverts and women's magazines could be understood.

However, my favourite novel is 'Jane Eyre' which I have continuously gone back to after my first reading at aged twelve. To me, Jane is one of the most inspiringly strong heroines in Literature and Charlotte Bronte one of the most forward thinking women of her time. In addition, I was entranced by Christina Rossetti's forceful 'Goblin Market' describing the conflict between her religious fervour and sexuality through sensual descriptions of forbidden goblin fruit.

I try to take advantage of the opportunities available to me as a student. For instance, I recently attended a performance of Frantic Assembly's 'Othello' and I look forward to taking part in a Philosophy trip to Rome.

Throughout my English course I have been able to draw on ideas from my wider reading, enabling me to compare different texts, incorporate philosophical theories, confidently comment on contextual influences and develop specific areas of interest. In the future I would like to teach English Literature at University level as it would allow me to pursue my own research and instil a sense of passion for the subject in others. I am excited at the prospect of University life and studying in depth a subject which I truly love.

Yours sincerely,


上智大学是一所本部位于东京都千代田区的日本知名顶尖私立大学。上智大学与早稻田大学、庆应义塾大学并称为全日本“最难关私立三校”。如今,上智大学以基 督教的教育传统和理念为根本,力求通过教育,培养出对当今社会发生的事情能正确地把握并拥有相应的理解能力和知识,立志于为社会服务的人才。

明治大学是本部设在东京都千代田区的日本知名私立大学。明大常年稳居日本私立大学 5, 与东京大学、庆应义塾大学、早稻田大学、立教大学、法政大学共同组成了“东京六大学”。作为一座文科一流的大学,明治大学的法学部、政治经济学部与商学部是其看板学部,偏差值处于日本大学排名的顶端。



















赴日留学申请书 篇6

Dear _,

From an early age I have been fascinated by the workings of life. The human body is a remarkable machine with many diverse systems producing an organism that could never be artificially reproduced. My love of science is just one of my reasons for choosing medicine. I enjoy a challenge particularly towards a rewarding objective and although medicine is a tough career it can be enormously gratifying, highlighted by the doctors I have spoken to during my experience and on a personal level.

To further my insight into the medical field I participated in a work shadowing week at a GP surgery. I gained a valuable understanding of the workings of the surgery, with opportunities to observe and speak to the doctors regarding a medical career. I arranged another placement week myself at a local hospital, which was a superb opportunity to observe medicine from another point of view. I observed the ward rounds, an MRI scan, a skin biopsy and an endosocpy clinic all which I found interesting. I spent the most time with the haematology team, responsible for patients with diseases such as Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia (CML), haematology being one of my interests it was captivating that I could see the specialty from a more complex side than the AS biology course. For example I was able to understand how the level of platelets affects blood clotting. Throughout the week I expanded my confidence and communication skills through speaking to patients and doctors. Although I enjoyed the week it was at times extremely heart-rending, I was able to get close to many of the terminally ill patients helping and caring for them where I could, getting them tea or just talking and empathising with them to build their spirits. I volunteered at a local home for the elderly which was very rewarding as I built my caring skills, helping residents by making them tea or playing cards with them. At school I took part in a paired reading scheme for 6 months where I was able to help young children to read, speaking and listening to them to help their English. All my experience has made me more determined to accomplish my ambition to be a doctor.

My love of science and aspiration for a medical career is reflected in my A-Level choices where good time management, self motivated study skills and ability to cope with stress and pressure are essential. Biology and chemistry have helped me further my interest and develop my analytical skills, maths helps my problem solving skills helping me to work logically and ICT gives me a valuable insight into the rapidly developing technological world where computers are crucial. I believe all the qualities I have developed through my courses are essential for any good doctor. I have participated in the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme which enabled me to achieve a first aid certificate including cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. I also enhanced my inter-personal, communication and team building abilities, valuable skills for any medical occupation, as I witnessed during my experience. For 2 years I have volunteered at a local vet hospital observing and helping out 2 hours per week communicating with the public in a different environment. I enjoy reading, mainly factual books to expand my general knowledge. To relax, I enjoy sports including football, and cricket for which I was captain of the school team and my local team for the past 3 years improving my leadership skills. I also recently rekindled my childhood passion for golf, another pastime I enjoy even if it is a little expensive!

I am a self motivated, determined individual and I look forward to the social and academic challenges of university. I am aware of the demands of a medical career but my commitment and desire to become a doctor has only been strengthened through my experience and work in a voluntary capacity.

Yours sincerely,















赴日留学申请书 篇7

Dear _,

Logical problem solving has always appealed to me and this explains my interests in mathematics, programming and computing in general. The decision to read computer science was therefore a simple one.

My desire for solving challenging problems led to my choices of studying mathematics and physics at AS-level. These have been my favourite subjects for the past year and I hope that what I continue to learn will help me to succeed at university. In year eleven I was awarded the school’s prizes for ICT and English Language & Literature. I have carried both of these subjects on to A-level and finished ICT a year early. I feel that these subjects have helped to improve my general academic skills.

In year ten, I undertook work experience with [____] who provide technical support for the IT systems of [____]. This experience of the IT industry proved useful in reaffirming my decision to study computer science at a higher level.

I was elected ICT Director of the school’s Young Enterprise company, a role which I thoroughly enjoyed and which has drastically improved both my communication and business skills. The website and email communication system that I designed helped us to make a profit of ?600 and reach the regional finals.

Teaching myself HTML and PHP has enabled me to create several websites. For example, in 2002, I designed, programmed and sold the browser-based multiplayer role-playing game [____]. I have also designed a relational database for a boarding cattery that stores information about customers, their cats and any bookings that they make. I have built my own computer and run a web hosting hobby business for three years. This practical experience has given me some technical abilities which will undoubtedly be helpful at university.

My part time job at a local petrol station has provided valuable experience of the workplace and taught me how to work effectively as a member of a team. It has also made me organise my studies and private time more efficiently.

Music is important to me and I frequently organise trips (including tickets, travel and accommodation) for parties of up to ten to gigs and festivals both in the UK and abroad. For example, I have organised a journey for eight people to ’s Wacken Open Air Festival in Germany. My interest in music has also prompted me to start learning the bass guitar.

I enjoy reading about scientific and technological developments on the Internet and in newspapers and magazines – I find the New Scientist magazine particularly interesting and I have learnt a lot through my subscription to it.

At university, I hope to deepen and expand my knowledge of computing into areas which I have no formal experience of studying. For example, I am eager to learn about artificial intelligence and the mathematical foundations of computing. A computer science degree will provide me with a broad range of exciting career opportunities and I am particularly interested in using the skills gained at university in either research or industry.

Yours sincerely,















4、日本的自来水是可以直接饮用的。车站及大型公共场所都有自来水喷 水口。大饭店、大餐厅都备有矿泉水供客有饮用。















赴日留学申请书 篇8

Dear _,

The subject of law fascinates me extensively. I am intrigued by developments in the law and the way that it adapts to an ever-changing society. I feel I would be suited to a law degree as I am at my best when challenged, relish the opportunity of lateral thinking and enjoy evaluating the microcosm of human relations.

I have improved my understanding of the law by spending 8 weeks in a Solicitors Office. I benefited from this vastly, as I was able to attend both Basingstoke's County and Magistrates Courts on frequent occasions, to take notes and observe cases that my employer was accountable for. The experience was enthralling as I learnt about the work undertaken at a small high-street firm, the ambience of a courtroom, and more about the officials that occupy it.

Recently, I attended Winchester Crown Court to gain first-hand experience of a complex and serious murder case. The defendant used the partial defence of provocation on the grounds of an affair, which was later dismissed. I had strong feelings about the handling and outcome of the case, which confirmed my thoughts of law as a career. I am looking forward to attending a conference in London next month where Chris Clarkson is lecturing.

At my secondary school I had the privilege of becoming Head Boy. As part of this role I gave many speeches to my contemporaries from different schools, as well as parents and professionals. I also chaired the Student Council where I had an active input into my school's welfare, delegated workloads and took expeditions with teachers representing the school as an ambassador. I also helped with the bid for my school's conversion to 'Technology College Status'. And was awarded the 'Harriet Costello Award' for achieving the highest GCSE results in the academic year -.

I enjoy English because I am able to express myself creatively through essays and discussion. I am reading Dickens' 'Great Expectations' as part of my English Literature course, and have found the depiction of the Victorian legal system of particular interest.

Outside of my compulsory activities, I have taken part in Karate for 10 years; achieving the highest standard of black belt. This experience has taught me about dedication and focus. I am an avid reader, and enjoyed reading G. Williams' 'Learning the Law' which addresses many issues facing a law student. Helena Kennedy's 'Eve was Framed' opened my eyes to the problems facing women encountering the legal system, and I am currently reading J.A.G Griffiths' 'The Politics of the Judiciary'. I keep abreast of legal issues by doing background research and reading The Times' weekly legal supplement.

I was Managing Director of my Young Enterprise's (YE) Company entitled 'Starz'. YE is a national charity which educates young people through enterprise and business simulation. As Director, I wrote a report which consequently won 'Best Company Report 2001'. I was also the Managing Director of my school's team at the Business Challenge . Having copious amounts of practice in managerial positions has helped boost my confidence, and improve my time-management skills.

From my experiences thus far, I feel that I would be greatly suited to university life. I am confident the social and academic lifestyle at university would allow me to develop as a person. I would like to become a solicitor and believe that a law degree will significantly aid me to achieve this goal.

Yours sincerely,



























在日本,家庭住宅中的阳台一般是作为紧急逃生的通道的,所以大家尽量不要在阳台上对方太多的东西;而且在晾晒衣服的时候,不要将内衣内 裤放在外侧,这样可以表示对其他人的尊重。



