
申请书 > 入党申请书 > 导航






Dear Sir or Madam:

We are very pleased to invite Mr. ****** come to our company for visiting and business negotiation. The business trip will start from 30th Oct. 20xx . And

because the long business co-operation in future between ****** company. and us, they will come to China for many times.

Please note, however, that we don’t assume any legal or financial

responsibility whatever regarding the presence of ****** in China. All expenses of ******’Sjourney to/from China, their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers.

请注意我们不承担XXX在中国的任何的法律和经济责任。 XXX所有的往返中国旅行花消还有他们在中国的健康保险都有他们的顾主来承担。

We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip.

Date: August 22, 20xx

To: Lianyong Industry Park, Beifeng Town, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China

Shijiazhuang Jinglong Automobile Parts Co., Ltd.

Attention: CHEN WEI

From: XXXX Co., Ltd.

August 22, 20xx

XXXX Co., Ltd.


Tel:( ) Fax:( )


This is to invite Mr. CHEN Wei, with passport No. Gxxxxxxxx, born on September 22, 1973, to visit XXX Co., Ltd., starting from January 10, 20xx, for business purposes over the development of new products. All expenses

related to his visit will be covered by Shijiazhuang Jinglong Automobile Parts Co., Ltd. during his stay in U.S.

Yours sincerely,

General Manager

XXXX Co., Ltd.


1 专有名词要大写


3 标点符号后要空格


Dear :

Please accept my apologies for the delay in acknowledging your invitation for on . I have been away form the office and only just returned.

Unfortunately, I have other plans for the date you mention, but shall be happy to make a date for some other convenient time.






dear tien- tien (sweet-sweet),

how are you? have you made any plans for the winter vacation yet? i have been thinking of going to the east coast and staying in hualien for two days。 how about joining me? we could make it an around-the-island tour。 if time is short, we could fly down to hualien and then take the train back along the eastern coast。 there will be lots of beautiful scenic spots for pictures! give me a call or write me a note as soon as you decide。


Dear XXXX,

XX and I have set the date — and we want you to be the first to know it. We’re going to be married very quietly at the Community Church on Thursday, June the twelfth, at noon.

We want you to come to the ceremony, and also to the wedding banquet afterward at home.

We’ll be looking for you, XXXX, at eleven!

With my best regards!

With Love,



Mr. and Mrs. john Smith request the honour of the presence of

Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown

at the marriage of their daughter

Elizabeth Smith


Mr. john Frederick hamilton

Saturday, the twenty-ninth of September

at four o'clock p.m.

Church of Heavenly Rest

New York


June 6, 20XX

Dear Aunt Kate,

David and I are to be married at the Community Church on Thursday, June the twelfth, at noon.

We want you to come to the ceremony, and also to the wedding banquet afterward at home.

We’ll be looking for you, Aunt Kate, on the twelfth!

Affectionately yours,



Join us! Matt and Allison are tying the knot! Take the plunge with them Saturday, June 22nd, at their Engagement/Beach Party. There’ll be no chance to get cold feet at this sizzling hot summer party! Takes place at Turtle Beach.

This party is no stuffy ceremony, so join in if you want to see the couple let their hair down one last time before the walk down the aisle!RSVP by Friday, June 15th. It’ll be a blast!


经与贵公司就 究,认为:

项目合作事宜进行初步洽谈后,我公司对合作事宜进行了研 该项目不仅将极大的促进双方发展,而且还将极大的促进两地合作,具有较大的经 济效益和社会效益; 3、该项目所在我地区有很好的资源优势,具备合作的基本条件。 我公司认为,本项目符合合作的基本条件,具备进行商务合作洽谈的基作文础。具体的合作 事宜必须经双方更进一步详细洽谈。

请贵公司法人代表收到本邀请函后, 派代表赴我公司作 商务考察并就实质性框架合作进行洽谈,我公司将承担本次商务考察的全部费用。




我们在XX里检索到您的简历,您的工作经历,与我们目前招聘 电商营运主管 一职的岗位要求基本相符。目前,我司正值日益快速发展之际,同时也更需要优秀的管理人才加入到我们的事业团队,一齐共同创造。为此,我们特向您发送此份面试邀请函,希望能通过真诚面谈,开启合作,实现彼此的目标与理想。具体面谈时间请以电话或邮件沟通、确认。

Company Profile | 公司简介:





Company Strength | 公司实力:


2. 自主经营:一直销售进口高端商品,而且目标明确,致力于打造一流的`自有网上商城平台。

3. 专业团队:公司选择业内精英人士加盟,共创共赢,志在快速成长,实现你我。


5. 前景无限:电商平台作为公司新的经营项目,给予每一位团队成员缔造成功事业的机会。

Office Claim | 任职要求:



3. 熟悉独立B2C或第三方平台的操作规范和流程,精通各类线上营销手段;

4. 具备丰富的线上活动策划和执行能力,以及一定的文字功底;

5. 具有良好的行业人脉关系和互联网合作资源;


7. 有强烈的责任感,上进心和事业心,勇于承担责任,能够承受较大的工作压力;

8. 有服装行业电商平台运营管理经验者优先。



电 话:xxxxx





May 5,2017

Dear Mike,

This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time. We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15. My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes. After the dinner, we will play some small games and then eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then.

True yours,



Dear Petty,

I hope you didnt make any plane for this weekend. You know I am moving into the new house, and I sincerely invite you to come to my new house. I will hold a celebration party on Saturday night. The scenery here is fantastic that I am sure you will like it. On Saturday, you can walk around my house after you get here. The party will begin at 7:00. You can live in my house that night. On Sunday, we can go fishing or play table tennis. So please do some preparation for them. You can drive here and you will see a board Kellys Home near the road. It only takes you one hour to get here. I hope there will be nothing stopping you to come.

Yours affectionately,



An Invitation

May 10, 20xx

Dear Blake,

Mrs. White will soon leave for the United States and we will held a farewell party for her which takes place from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Friday, May 20, 2012 at the School Club. I am very pleased to invite you toparticipatein the farewell party. Another two foreign teachers you know, Mr. Frazer and Miss Gree are also invited. Please join us to say goodbye to Mrs. White. You are hoped to arrive at 5:50 p.m. I look forward to see you on May 20.






i would hereby invite the members of beijing delegation totally 4 persons (listed attachment) led by you, to come over to ***(country) for *** (exposition), which is to be held at *** (place)during *** (date). please make the necessary arrangements for your delegation to arrive in *** (country). during the exposition, you will stay here for *** days. all your expenses including international air tickets, local transportation, accommodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses during your stay here will be paid by yourselves. we are looking forward to greeting you in *** (country) very soon.

yours sincerely, (signature) 商务邀请函是正式公函,请用单位带英文抬头、地址、电话的信纸打印,结尾加盖公章。


Dear Aunt Kate,

David and I are to be married at the Community Church on Thursday, June the twelfth, at noon.

We want you to come to the ceremony, and also to the wedding banquet afterward at home.

We’ll be looking for you, Aunt Kate, on the twelfth!

Affectionately yours,




Dear ...:

How are you doing these days? Hope you are happy and healthy all these time.

Our graduation day seem just a few days ago...Yet I am writing today to inform you of my wedding...Yes, wedding!

I am going to have my wedding on October 1st, 20XX, in the main hall of second floor, Marriot Hotel. I would love to see you and your husband to come! I just cannot wait to see you and introudce my spouse to you.

Best regards


Join us! Matt and Allison are tying the knot! Take the plunge with them Saturday, June 22nd, at their Engagement/Beach Party. There’ll be no chance to get cold feet at this sizzling hot summer party! Takes place at Turtle Beach.

This party is no stuffy ceremony, so join in if you want to see the couple let their hair down one last time before the walk down the aisle!RSVP by Friday, June 15th. It’ll be a blast!


Dear [Mr. Hovell]:

Please accept my apologies for the delay in acknowledging your invitation for [lunch/ dinner/ cocktails] on [September the fourth, this year]. I have been away form the office and only just returned.

Unfortunately, I have other plans for the date you mention, but shall be happy to make a date for some other convenient time.



