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Gratitude English Speech in 3 Minutes

Good morning, everyone.

Today, I want to talk to you about the power of gratitude and how it has changed my life.

Gratitude is defined as the quality of being thankful, and it is something that we should all strive to cultivate in our lives. When we practice gratitude, we shift our focus from what we don't have to what we do have, and we become more aware of the many blessings that we have in our lives.

I know firsthand the transformative power of gratitude. Just a few years ago, I was struggling with depression and anxiety, and I felt like everything in my life was going wrong. I was so focused on the negative that I couldn't see the positive. But then, one day, I decided to start a gratitude journal.

Every day, I would write down three things that I was grateful for, no matter how small. Some days, it was as simple as being thankful for a warm cup of coffee or a kind word from a friend. Other days, it was bigger things, like getting a promotion at work or having a good health report.

At first, it was hard to think of things to be grateful for, but as time went on, it became easier. And I noticed that my mood improved and my anxiety lessened. I was no longer focused on the negative; I was focused on the positive.

Gratitude has also helped me to cultivate better relationships with others. When we express gratitude to others, it makes them feel appreciated and valued. It creates a positive cycle of kindness and appreciation, and it strengthens our connections with others.

I encourage you all to make gratitude a part of your daily routine. It doesn't have to be a journal; it can be as simple as taking a moment each day to reflect on what you're thankful for. And don't just think about the big things; think about the small things, too. The more we practice gratitude, the more we will see the many blessings in our lives.

In conclusion, I am grateful for the opportunity to speak to you all today, and I am grateful for all of the blessings in my life. I encourage you to practice gratitude and see how it can transform your life, too. Thank you.


the poet said: spring flowers to the door pushed open. i said: thanksgiving to the door pushed open the living. if you carefully listen to the voices of flowers, are everywhere harmonious life movements.


then, as a middle school student, how thanksgiving?


first thanksgiving their parents, because everyone's life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the parents. 首先要感恩自己的父母,因为每个人的生命都是父母血脉的延续,父母给了我们全部的爱,让我们享受到了人世间的亲情和幸福,因此,我们要感谢父母。 teachers are our growth(领路人), are our friends, teachers care for us , their words and deeds, let us benefit for life, we pay for teachers efforts and sweat, we should thanksgiving teachers.


students study the lives of our fellow students to encourage each other, help each other, to jointly overcome difficulties and setbacks, the common taste of success and happiness learning, we should be grateful for every day and we accompanied the students.

同学是我们学习生活的同伴,同学间互相鼓励,互相帮助,共同战胜困难与挫折,共同品尝学习的成功与快乐,我们应该感谢天天与我们相伴的同学。 thanks-giving-fighting, thanks-giving unlimited! students and society thanksgiving! let us always to the life caring and full of love and love!


第7篇 奥巴马2022年感恩节演讲稿(中英文)



november 16, __


one of our nation’s oldest and most cherished traditions, thanksgiving day brings us closer to our loved ones and invites us to reflect on the blessings that enrich our lives. the observance recalls the celebration of an autumn harvest centuries ago, when the wampanoag tribe joined the pilgrims at plymouth colony to share in the fruits of a bountiful season. the feast honored the wampanoag for generously e_tending their knowledge of local game and agriculture to the pilgrims, and today we renew our gratitude to all american indians and alaska natives. we take this time to remember the ways that the first americans have enriched our nation’s heritage, from their generosity centuries ago to the everyday contributions they make to all facets of american life. as we come together with friends, family, and neighbors to celebrate, let us set aside our daily concerns and give thanks for the providence bestowed upon us.

感恩节(thanksgiving day)是美国最悠久、最宝贵的传统之一。这个节日带给我们更浓郁的亲情,令我们反思给予我们丰富多彩的生活的万般恩典。这个传统上溯至几百年前万帕诺亚格部落(wampanoag tribe)和普利茅斯殖民地(plymouth colony)清教徒移民分享秋收果实的欢庆时节。当时的盛宴表达了对万帕诺亚格部落向新移民传授当地狩猎和农作知识的慷慨友情的赞赏;今天,我们继续向所有美洲印第安人和阿拉斯加原住民表示感恩。让我们值此时刻重温美国最早期的人们对我国文化传统的贡献——他们不仅在数百年前慷慨相助,而且每一天都在为 美国生活的各方各面作贡献。在我们与朋友、家人和邻居聚首欢庆的日子里,让我们抛开日常烦恼,为上帝对我们的眷顾而感恩。

though our traditions have evolved, the spirit of grace and humility at the heart of thanksgiving has persisted through every chapter of our story. when president george washington proclaimed our country’s first thanksgiving, he praised a generous and knowing god for shepherding our young republic through its uncertain beginnings. decades later, president abraham lincoln looked to the divine to protect those who had known the worst of civil war, and to restore the nation 'to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility, and union.'

虽然我们的传统与时俱进,但是作为感恩节核心的恩惠与谦卑精神贯穿于我们历史的各段篇章,始终如一。乔治·华盛顿 (george washington)总统发表了美国第一个感恩日公告,感谢慷慨而全能的上帝护卫我们年轻的共和国度过风雨莫测的初始阶段。几十年后,亚伯拉罕·林肯(abraham lincoln)总统祈求神灵保佑深领内战不幸的人们,让国家重享完全的“和平、和谐、安宁与联邦团结”。

in times of adversity and times of plenty, we have lifted our hearts by giving humble thanks for the blessings we have received and for those who bring meaning to our lives. today, let us offer gratitude to our men and women in uniform for their many sacrifices, and keep in our thoughts the families who save an empty seat at the table for a loved one stationed in harm’s way. and as members of our american family make do with less, let us rededicate ourselves to our friends and fellow citizens in need of a helping hand.

无论时逢逆境还是一帆风顺,我们通过对恩典和赋予我们生命意义的人们谦卑地表示感恩而得到心灵的升华。今天,让我们 向付出各种牺牲的男女军人表示感谢,也让我们心系那些在餐桌边为值守在险境中的亲人留着空位的家庭。面对精简度日的美国大家庭的成员,让我们再次向需要帮助的朋友和国人献出爱心。

as we gather in our communities and in our homes, around the table or near the hearth, we give thanks to each other and to god for the many kindnesses and comforts that grace our lives. let us pause to recount the simple gifts that sustain us, and resolve to pay them forward in the year to come.


now, therefore, i, barack obama, president of the united states of america, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the constitution and the laws of the united states, do hereby proclaim thursday, november 24, __, as a national day of thanksgiving. i encourage the people of the united states to come together -- whether in our homes, places of worship, community centers, or any place of fellowship for friends and neighbors -- to give thanks for all we have received in the past year, to e_press appreciation to those whose lives enrich our own, and to share our bounty with others.

为此,我,美利坚合众国总统巴拉克·奥巴马,以美国宪法和法律赋予我的权力,特此宣布__年11月24日星期四为全国感恩节。我呼吁美国全体人民,不论是在家中、在敬拜场所、在社区中心,还是在任何与亲朋好友及左邻右舍欢聚的地方,共同对我们过去一年所得的一切表 示感谢,向那些用他们的生命丰富了我们的生活的人表示感谢;并与他人分享自己所受之恩。

in witness whereof, i have hereunto set my hand this si_teenth day of november, in the year of our lord two thousand eleven, and of the independence of the united states of america the two hundred and thirty-si_th.



The fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. On this day, families and friends gather together, share a meal, and give thanks for the blessings of good health,food,jobs,and families.

In 1620,a group of Pilgrims left from England to search for religious freedom,part of whom were Protestants.And they sailed to America on a small sailboat named the Mayflower finally. And they landed at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts,in icy November. The price in human lives and tragedy had been great.



On the other hand,they saw new hope for the future.The first official Thanksgiving in America took place in Plymouth colony, Massachusetts in October 1621.Thanksgiving did not become a national holiday until 1863 during the American Civil War.

In the United States,thanksgiving dinner is practically the same all over the country. The table is always loaded with delicious food of many different kinds.Naturally,the main course is turkey(a bird native to the Americans),with an array of vegetables and desserts.Pumpkin pie is often served in remembrance of the first settlers.





























Dear students, our way of life is always sunny, blue skies, which in the end the most dazzling ray of sunlight? it was said to be excellent academic performance, it was said to be given to help others ... ... and i think that our way of life of the most brilliant sunshine should be reported to belong to the temple map, help us to grow thanks to everyone. yes, the institute of thanksgiving is a feeling, the institute of thanksgiving, but also a character. as teachers and our students, the most important gratitude is a school. schools to give us a big growth stage of life: bright and spacious classrooms, new desks and chairs, air-conditioned and well-being, as well as multi-media facilities, has provided us with an attractive learning environment. read one book bright and clean rooms, provides us with knowledge of the marine tour; flat beautiful big playground, provided us with a good place for the exercise, and pottery room, computer room, dance room, multi-purpose hall, and so on, no school is not out of devotion to our selfless love! however, in these beautiful places, often with some notes of discord. read books in one room, some students read the book, abandonment, i do not know the original release, there is more tear, using the phenomenon of the book; when the red and green and white artificial big playground to open it selfless embrace, and some of the scenes of discord hurt our eyes: a wide range of confetti, colorfu

l tang zhi, and scattered in all corners of the shell seeds, chewing gum, etc. the list goes on of these!

Students, please put your hand on his chest ask ourselves: "i do a thanksgiving school?

Students, let us now work together, with their good health habits to school thanksgiving, thanksgiving, so that the flowers on campus and open more beautiful.


Who would have said that Thanksgiving is not the United States?


Who would have said that unlike Thanksgiving Mountain Qingquan down, to reveal the purity of the innocent smile?


Thanksgiving, when it burst forth from the depths of the soul when it determines that it no time. "Flu" and the word was given unlimited time meaning. Appreciation are, are grateful, are touching, or feeling, like a kaleidoscope of ever-changing, with the endless beauty. Thanksgiving heart can not tolerate the slightest bit of dust. Give you help others, not for fame or benefits, if so, you need not go Thanksgiving. It is precisely because other people support you from the heart, you return to him even more benefits should not have the Shadow. Yes, Thanksgiving is the most pure emotion, is the most innocent of the innocent children in the most raving of others sincere thanks. It is such a pure return, creating the beauty of Thanksgiving.


Thanksgiving is not a long road. To learn how to Thanksgiving, we must have a heart of Thanksgiving. First of all, Thanksgiving you parents, teachers and friends. When you still a child, when you study at the difficulties encountered in their daily lives, they will stand beside you. If you really want to learn to Thanksgiving, we start it from them. For parents to share a home, for teachers presented a bouquet of flowers for classmates to answer a difficult problem. Perhaps you do not enough to repay them, but, Thanksgiving is not required for substances of dust, but no time to mind. Yes, grateful for their bar, and only this way, you will slowly learn to Thanksgiving rather than being allowed to obtain only the heart of reducing the desert, unable to extricate themselves.


Then, go Thanksgiving those people strangers. Although you do not know do not know them, but they are also for the society and the job. It is their labor, and create the social material and spiritual beauty. Well, they is not worth it to you grateful for it? Perhaps you will say, we can not do anything for them, but we are a member of society, doing their job, a building block for society, is one of the best return on the.


When you will be the source of Thanksgiving into the bottom of my heart, you will find that not only helped you appreciate the talent is worth. Your opponent, or even the enemy, but also with a heart of thanksgiving to face. It is true that they give you harm, pain and helplessness, but it is on these, you will develop, will grow only at a time of struggle and repeated failure to find the true meaning of success. Thanksgiving your enemies, which requires greater courage and noble spirit. When you do this, the Thanksgiving flowers you have in mind the blooming quietly.


At all this, you will reach a higher realm. You back to transcend barriers of society to appreciate the sky, the sun, the earth with the rain - it is they who created you, go Thanksgiving all people - they make this world more vibrant. Finally, when all the calm, the wind has to stop, you will return to the growth of primitive things to appreciate life. It is precisely because of this, you have a chance to feel all the beautiful universe. In this magical collection of lies, you will find all things the most worthy things that Thanksgiving is the life - is yourself.


When you complete this Thanksgiving after the reincarnation, you will find that you are from Thanksgiving Thanksgiving was far more than strength. You learned to concern, concern of all small people, concerned about the nature of everything; you learned tolerance, tolerance of you deceived the people you hurt; you learned to brave, to love all people - big love speechless. You can see, brought to you by Thanksgiving, it really is a pure and kind heart. When people see that after all this - who would say that Thanksgiving is not the United States do?

